
Board Leadership

Business, education and community leaders with a passion for excellence guide MSI in the fulfillment of its mission. They work to ensure the organization’s health and viability, provide financial oversight and legal accountability, and serve as advocates for the empowerment of children.


Student Governance In Action

Board of Directors

Chair: Richard B. Wickersham Jr., Esq., Partner, Post & Schell, PC, Philadelphia, Penn.


Carolynn King Richmond, Ed.M., Esq., President and CEO, MSI, Philadelphia, Penn.
Stephen K. Mack, President, Gnomist, New York, N.Y.
Triana Olivas, Former Principal, Sageland Elementary MicroSociety School, El Paso, Texas
Sandi Williams, Ph.D, Chief Visionary Officer, A Wealth of Women International, Philadelphia, Penn.


Board of Advisors

Roland S. Barth, Ed.M., Ed.D., Author, Founder, Principals’ Center at Harvard University, Key West, Fla.
Alan Butkovitz, Esq., Former City Controller, City of Philadelphia, Pa.
Gerald Dawkins, Retired Superintendent of Schools, Shreveport, La.
J. Robbie Fabian, President, ABS CBN Foundation International, Los Angeles, Ca.
Mark Frazier, Chairman, Start Up Societies Foundation, President of Openworld, Inc., Washington, D.C.
Lew Gantwerk, Ph.D.: Director, Center for Applied Psychology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
Shintaro Kaido, Vice Provost for Innovation & Executive Director, Drexel Applied Innovation, Philadelphia, Penn.
John J. Mack, Retired Chairman of the Board, Morgan Stanley, New York, N.Y.
Steve Mariotti, Founder, Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship, New York, N.Y.
Mike Saris, Engineering Manager, Tendo Systems, Philadelphia, Penn.
Judith Stein, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Education, NOVA Southeastern University, Miami, Fla.