The Bug Hangout

All it took was ants, marching through the MicroSociety Munchroom at Maximo Elementary for kindergartner Marisa Fountanez to hatch a vision; a business devoted to bugs. The shrieked “EWW’s!” of her fellow diners, as the ants made their way across the lunchroom floor just plain annoyed her.


No one understood bugs…all they knew was that they could be stepped on, swatted, or sprayed.


Marisa remembered the poster in the Book Nook: “Information is Power”.  Facts!  That’s what she needed. Bugs weren’t all bad. Vince could help.  He wouldn’t kill a fly.  


Straight to Marketplace, labeled bug models, gummy worms, and a business plan in hand, Marisa and Vince, set up The Bug Hangout-a one-stop pro-insect shop.  They proudly hung their first product- 

greeting cards, each one with its own bug biology blurb. That was just the start.  


Within days, a bug bracelet was the thing to have. The kindergartners convinced their teachers to remove the ABC’s on the walls to make room for “Benefits of Bugs” posters. An order came in for 5 bug costumes for next month’s play.  Sam, quite the math mind, was asked to measure material for that.


Within a week, Marisa and Vince had a two-sided waiting list for the upcoming “Don’t Bug Me, I’m Reading” book cover. They just needed someone to come up with the right image to get this produced. Wait!  Ty had a good camera!  Hmmm…and there were plenty of ants to get snapshots of in the cafeteria.


Marisa got on the loud speaker and announced, “Come on by The Bug Hangout tomorrow for your brand new book cover…discounts will be given to the first 10 customers.”  An excited buzz filled the hallways…maybe a bee line was next. Hmmm….

3675 Market St.
Suite 200
Philadelphia PA 19104

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